Information of general medical nature that relates to fluoroquinolones.

Hopeless or hopeful, Fluoroquinolones and DNA Adduction, Part Deux

Since our physiology is not static and things such as enzyme levels and trace mineral are in a constant state of flux, not to mention genetic variances, all which affect metabolization, combined with the fact that the FQ molecule is very complex, there is no way of determining if the same decomposed and identifiable compound will form an adduct in each person.

Nurse Practitioners, Not For Me

I would have to say that we are one of the most complex subset of patients that can be seen by a physician. More often than not, we often leave the average physician scratching his head as to how to diagnose or treat our condition. Keeping that context in mind, I have determined that I will never see another nurse practitioner again.

What is a Delayed Adverse Reaction?

If the patient never connects the dots he/she may never uncover what the root cause of his/her mysterious illness is, or are given a default diagnosis that is a "catch all" for the medical community. Considering the day and age that we live in, it is one of the greatest medical travesties, that is of monumental proportions, that is continually being perpetrated on innocent individuals.

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