Yet Another FDA Failure: PatientsLikeMe®

Why would the FDA make such an outrageous decision to enter into an unprecedented agreement to monitor post-marketing drug surveillance with a private company run by ex-pharmaceutical executives? The FDA would be better off looking at its FAERS data. If they did, they would see drug signals that they have ignored, especially for FQ's.

Fluoroquinolone Community Represented at UMDF Symposium, Washington, DC

Dr. Linda Martin, Dr. Alan Redd, David Melvin, and John Fratti submitted an abstract for the UMDF Symposium on behalf of the FQ community. We are pleased to announce that, after being peer-reviewed by the UMDF Abstract Review Committee, their abstract was selected as a poster for the Symposium.

Researching Fluoroquinolone Toxicity: The Personal Cost of Research

“You can’t do what I do and think the drug companies don’t notice you.” With the media scrutiny and the Citizen Petitions filed over the last year you can bet that Bennett has gotten the attention of some very powerful entities; entities that are going to push back in an effort to silence or undermine our message.

Dr. Charles Bennett to Speak about Fluoroquinolones at PharmedOut’s June 2015 Conference

Charles Bennett MD PhD Chair of the Center for Economic Excellence in Medication Safety and Efficacy, Bennett-flashUniversity of South Carolina will be speaking at the PharmedOut’s 5th Annual Conference on June 11-12, 2015 at Georgetown University about Fluoroquinolones..

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