Known as Glutathione S-transferases (GST) the GSTP1 are a family of enzymes that play an important role in detoxification of certain products of xenobiotics and carcinogens such as heavyGSTP1 Gewne metals, herbicides, solvents, pesticides, steroids and many other harmful pathogens.  GSTP1 is primarily located in your brain and lungs. GST detoxifies by linking toxic compounds with glutathione (GSH), thus forming a less reactive substance.

Polymorphisms with GSTP1 A114V & I105V are associated with higher or lower enzyme activity, depending on the exposure.  Some individuals with these variations can expend (GSH) too fast resulting in a buildup of toxic substances. GSTP1 genotypes are associated with increased risk of various cancers that is compounded by exposure to cigarette smoke.

Some health professionals recommend individuals with GSTP1 SNP’s minimize their exposure to cigarette smoke, charred food, herbicides, fungicides, insect sprays, industrial solvents, and toxic metals.   In addition to ensure GSH support it is important to supply GSH precursors and cofactor such as, methionine, NAC, glutamine, glycine, magnesium, and pyridoxal-5-phosphate (B6). It is possible to reduce GSH depletion by supplementing with alpha lipoic acid, milk thistle, and taurine.   Certain foods such as onions, leeks, garlic, broccoli, cauliflower, cabbage, kale, Brussels sprouts, and radish can increase GST activity.   It is always recommended to consume an antioxidant-rich diet to prevent oxidative stress.

Many individuals cannot tolerate certain foods or supplements so it is vitally important to know that when treating deficiencies associated with this and other genes, the skilled eye of a health professional trained in the interaction of genes, combined with the patient’s current health be consulted.

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