Dr. Bennett Publishes Paper on Fluoroquinolone Neuropsychiatric & Mitochondrial Toxicity

Dr. Charles Bennett has been able to successfully publish a paper titled "Fluoroquinolone-Related Neuropsychiatric and Mitochondrial Toxicity: a collaborative investigation by scientists and members of a social network."

Fluoroquinolone Academic Research Update – Dr. Mark Noble, Part #1

A interesting two part series covering our five year research relationship with Dr. Noble, U of R; He has assisted us with a submission for the upcoming FDA Meeting, asked us to collect data for his research, and in part 2 reveals troubling findings about Levaquin.

Researching Fluoroquinolone Toxicity: The Personal Cost of Research

“You can’t do what I do and think the drug companies don’t notice you.” With the media scrutiny and the Citizen Petitions filed over the last year you can bet that Bennett has gotten the attention of some very powerful entities; entities that are going to push back in an effort to silence or undermine our message.

Fluoroquinolone Academic Research Update – Dr. Beatrice Golomb UCSD

Our FQ team will be working closely with Dr. Golomb as she takes research to the next level in the near future. Stay tuned here as I will be sure to inform the FQ community of any pertinent developments with her, along with developments with other researchers that we work with.

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