Articles that are of a general nature.
I hate Facebook!
Facebook is akin to a tractor stuck in a muddy field constantly spinning its tires and never getting anywhere, even though it is expending considerable energy.
Articles that are of a general nature.
Facebook is akin to a tractor stuck in a muddy field constantly spinning its tires and never getting anywhere, even though it is expending considerable energy.
The cult of personality is not limited to public figures on the world stage. I do not get particularly upset by these leaders and consider them an inevitable hazard of internet community politics. As the saying goes, "You can't have a picnic without ants." Just remember, sometimes those who rise to power in an internet community would never be able to rise to power in "real life" and for good reason.
If you are not careful, you run the risk of believing that deliverance from your toxicity is entirely dependent on sources outside of yourself.
Claims of self-empowerment are more often than not contradicted by the behavior of health care providers. In reality, informed, assertive, and confident patients are often penalized for doing what they’ve been told to do. For the first time in my life I felt discrimination, alienation, and dismissal.
Some in society argue its existence is necessary, saying it's power is needed to defeat an even more powerful enemy. But with great power comes great potential for damage; And when the cure becomes the disease, we have truly created a monster of epic proportions.
It just so happens that serious adverse drug reactions are not rare at all, we just choose to stick our heads in the sand and ignore the statistics which are there for all to see. We assume that things like this always happen to the "other guy" and never to us.
If the patient never connects the dots he/she may never uncover what the root cause of his/her mysterious illness is, or are given a default diagnosis that is a "catch all" for the medical community. Considering the day and age that we live in, it is one of the greatest medical travesties, that is of monumental proportions, that is continually being perpetrated on innocent individuals.
Although, Frank himself is damaged from the fluoroquinolone he received, he also is the delicate position of being convinced that the same fluoroquinolone saved his life.
The complete lack of control can be psychologically unnerving and therefore drive a person to seek alternate paths to wellness. So is to give up, really the answer?
Fluorquinolone victims are engaged in a battle for survival on a battlefront that they never knew existed.
It is a shame in American today, that the patient knows more about a medical condition than the doctor. If that makes me obnoxious, then label me “guilty as charged!”, but forgive me if I don’t sit idly by while the doctor dismisses the information that I present to him/her.
This insidious response from the medication creates the perfect storm in which it disguises itself so the patient and the doctor do not associate the adverse reaction with the medication.
Toyota recalls millions of cars and has to appear before congressional hearings because of the possibility that a defect cause 275 crashes and 18 deaths over 11 years, and the fluoroquinolones antibiotics have caused, at the very least, 163,329 ADR’s and 3,124 deaths, and no hearings, no outcry, no acknowledgement from the medical community?
We need to know that recovery from fluoroquinolone toxicity is possible, if not very likely, even for the seriously impacted. Whatever plan you choose for your recovery you must remember that a big part of that recovery is hope.
I have found that most people want the truth; they do not want to be lied to or have any information candy coated. Other the other hand they do not want to be punched in the face with it either.