News of general interest to the fluorquinolone community.

Dr. Bennett Publishes Suicide Risk Academic Paper With Help From The Fluoroquinolone Community

Recently, in July 2018,  Dr. Bennett published a paper about Fluoroquinolone Associated Suicide to the European Journal of Internal Medicine with the assistance of the floxed community.

FDA Changes Fluoroquinolone Label But Denies Citizen Petition on Mitochondrial Toxicity

On Thursday May 12, 2016 the FDA contacted those who have been pursuing label changes for the Fluoroquinolones and issued a public statement that the FDA is requiring label changes for antibacterial drugs called fluoroquinolones

The Voices Heard Round The World – The November 5th FDA Meeting

On Nov. 5th, the true stars of our community took to the podium at the FDA to tell their personal stories. I, along with countless others, were humbled and honored. This meeting represented a huge step in the progress we are making to gain complete recognition of the travesty that the fluoroquinolone class of pharmaceuticals has wrought upon society, to achieve justice for those that have been damaged by these drugs, and to prevent future unnecessary pain and suffering not only for this generation, but for generations to come.

FDA To Hold Upcoming Meeting on Fluoroquinolones

We believe that the attention given the Fluoroquinolones through the combined media stories, past rallies, citizen petitions, in addition to community members meeting directly with FDA officials, provided some of the impetus, in part, for the scrutiny of the Fluoroquinolones being prescribed for these common health conditions.

Fluoroquinolone Community Goes to the FDA: Pediatrics and Rhabdomyolysis

On August 24th, 2015, members from the FQ community met with staff from the FDA in a third meeting to address the various FDA failures to adequately warn the general public about the true dangers FQ's pose to the general public, especially our children.

Yet Another FDA Failure: PatientsLikeMe®

Why would the FDA make such an outrageous decision to enter into an unprecedented agreement to monitor post-marketing drug surveillance with a private company run by ex-pharmaceutical executives? The FDA would be better off looking at its FAERS data. If they did, they would see drug signals that they have ignored, especially for FQ's.

Fluoroquinolone Community Represented at UMDF Symposium, Washington, DC

Dr. Linda Martin, Dr. Alan Redd, David Melvin, and John Fratti submitted an abstract for the UMDF Symposium on behalf of the FQ community. We are pleased to announce that, after being peer-reviewed by the UMDF Abstract Review Committee, their abstract was selected as a poster for the Symposium.

Dr. Charles Bennett to Speak about Fluoroquinolones at PharmedOut’s June 2015 Conference

Charles Bennett MD PhD Chair of the Center for Economic Excellence in Medication Safety and Efficacy, Bennett-flashUniversity of South Carolina will be speaking at the PharmedOut’s 5th Annual Conference on June 11-12, 2015 at Georgetown University about Fluoroquinolones..

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