On June 8m 2014 a petition was filed by Dr. Charles Bennett requesting professional label changes to the label for fluoroquinolone antibiotics. You can read the petition here. These label changes would reflect the possibility that the fluoroquinolone class of antibiotics could cause mitochondrial toxicity in patients.
The FDA has responded stating that they “have been unable to reach a decision…because it raises complex issues requiring extensive review and analysis by Agency officials.” They have been considering these “complex issues” for almost 8 months and yet no progress has occurred. You can read the FDA’s response here. The FDA has known, though its own internal review process, that fluoroquinolone antibiotics can cause permanent peripheral neuropathy in healthy individuals, and that the method of action for this damage is suspected to be mitochondrial toxicity (1). The FDA has been derelict in their duty to fully warn the general public of the dangers these drugs pose to the general public.
The community is asking that each person notify the FDA telling them you support the citizen’s petition Docket #FDA-2014-P-0856. I encourage each person, their family, and friends please write the FDA in support of this effort. I have made available an editable letter in Word format that you may download edit and send in. (Download it here).
The current acting commissioner is:
Dr. Stephen Ostroff
Thank you.
I have mitochondrial damage with many serious side effects from just 3 pills of 500mg of Ciprofloxacin, given me on my birthday, March 20 of 2014. My life will never be the same again. I have no family support as I’m from South Africa. I’m a white female, divorced and alone in Canada. I’m now on disability and no idea what the my scary future holds. I’m alone and very afraid. I escaped the violence in South Africa, only to be permanently damaged in North America! I live in constant pain and have many o the symptoms that are invisible and frightening.
This class of drugs should be removed from the market , this is not antibiotics but poison !
My Mother a year ago has been damaged by Levoquine while she was in the hostpital for pnuoemonia. She was administered it by IV and the day she was released she could barely raise her arm she did not know what was happening to her. She recently got worse as her tendon was rupturing and she sort out a new Doctor which diagnosed her with Neuropathy . I have witnessed her health decline first hand . In less then 9 months later or so she had to go to orthopedic doctor and had to have shoulder surgery do to fact her tendon and muscles were rupturing. I would like to see the
this class of drugs being taken off the market totally. I think the Fda needs to step up to the plate by not just labeling these harmful drugs but banning them for the safety of the people…
I also have FQ Mitochondrial Induced Toxicity. At least now theres a name for what I have. I am a nurse, RN. Disabled at age 44.. I Loved my work until @ 10 yrs ago, It was 3 days after taking Cipro for a UTI. I woke up and I couldnt walk because my Bal was off. I was falling into stuff. My husband took me to the Hosp where I started having these Hard painful jerking type convulsions. Spent 14 days in the Hosp, (2 days in ICU. ) Was released in A wheelchair unable to walk and perm disabled but They didnt know what was wrong with me. Ive since Developed multiple Rare autoimmune diseases, Including RA, Adrenal Insuffiency, Dercums Dosease, I broke both arms in a simple fall n spent over a year in a cast required multiple surgeries to repair ligaments n Bone replacement, Then spent 2020 having multiple surgeries on my feet n ankles as my tendons started rupturing. Repaired n lengthen my R achilles tendon and 4 surgeries to the L ankle, leg n foot. Multiple tendon repairs, 2 pinched nerves and had to have my ankle fused. My surgeon was completely puzzled at the damage without having an accident or injury. Still having prob, Tumors growing on the Planter Fascia . I akso have Severe Fibromyalgia with Chronic pain. High BP, pre DM, and theres more but thats enough. I was Dx with fibromyalgia 8 yrs prior to the Cipro, Otherwise I was healthy. Now Im in pain all day, Every day, I get short of breath n have a Heart Murmur, Chest pain and a leacky heart valve .. What can a person do? 😔