Dealing With Insomnia – Part #2 – Herbs for Insomnia
For some a insomnia is slight annoyance and for others a living hell. Sometimes herbs are a gentler alternative to pharmaceuticals.
For some a insomnia is slight annoyance and for others a living hell. Sometimes herbs are a gentler alternative to pharmaceuticals.
The Fluoroquinolone class of antibiotics can have horrific side effects that can disable the most healthy of individuals creating long lasting injuries.
The rate of one MTHFR mutation in the standard population is a whopping 50%.
Facebook is akin to a tractor stuck in a muddy field constantly spinning its tires and never getting anywhere, even though it is expending considerable energy.
The GSTP1 are a family of enzymes that play an important role in detoxification of certain products.
The COMT V158M +/+ polymorphism is associated with improved cognition, better memory and attention to tasks due to higher amounts of dopamine in the synapses.